Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What We Didn't See on The News

Emailed photos taken in Baghdad, Iraq show 1,215 uniformed servicemembers taking part in the single largest U.S. reenlistment ceremony since the all-volunteer force began in 1973 Amazing how the media is allowed to continue their bias & control what the average citizen sees every day on the news..... what a skewed concept it gives to what is really happening. Largest Re-enlistment Ceremony - Ever... I'm sure you already know about this. It was shown over and over on TV, right? OK, so maybe it wasn't shown over and over, but surely it was shown on TV at least one time, wasn't it ?
This was the largest re-enlistment ceremony ever held in military history. The ceremony was held on the 4th of July, 2008 at Al Faw Palace, Baghdad , Iraq . General David Petraeus officiated. This amazing story was ignored by the 'mainstream' media. For those who have been in the Al Faw Palace, you'll have a better appreciation of the number of people crammed around the rotunda supporting the re-enlisting soldiers. American men and women volunteering to stay longer in Iraq, so that when we leave, the new democracy will have a chance of surviving, is the exact opposite of what the media wants you to think about Iraq. If only a bomb had killed 5 civilians in a marketplace - now that's the kind of news the media is eager to tell you about. A pizzeria in Chicago donated 2000 pizzas that were made and shipped to Baghdad , and were delivered on the 4th. The media did report that 2000 pizzas were sent to Iraq on July 4th... The only part they left out of the report was the event for which the pizzas were sent. I can't help but wonder... What would the opinion of Americans be if they weren't getting such obviously biased 'news?' Pass this on and we will do the work for the Media.
Image credits: Top photo by U.S. Marine CPL Frances L. GochBottom photo by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Jason R. KrawzyckCourtesy U.S. Army
Comments: True. On Independence Day 2008, 1,215 U.S. servicemembers stationed in Iraq gathered in the rotunda of the Al Faw Palace in Baghdad to reenlist and celebrate the Fourth of July. The swearing-in ceremony was presided over by General David Petraeus, commanding general of the Multi-National forces in Iraq. Coverage of the event appeared in mainstream news sources such as the Washington Post, USA Today, McClatchy Newspapers, and the Associated Press.

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